the church
We are a church that believes in Jesus, loves God and people
The House of Change is a multicultural church committed to preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with restoration power. Our mission is to preach the word of God and to bring people into membership of God’s family; to teach the Word of God to enhance freedom, promote Christian maturity and bind the people to God for service, And to live the word of God to demonstrate the new life in Christ to the World, and ensure the security of the believer.” Our prayer is that you will be blessed and strengthened by the power of Jesus, and that you will live a life of abundance in fellowship, joy and liberty. House of Change is a family, children and youth friendly church. We are not just a church; we are a fellowship of believers coming together to declare the glory of the Lord, and to celebrate Jesus Christ as King. We study the Word, practice what we learn, and in the process, grow together. It is our payer that you are deeply enriched in blessings. May the Lord bless you, and keep you! Hope to see you soon.
Welcome Home!

Pastor Taiwo Fagbuyi
Senior Pastor, GOFAMINT House of Change